Can you use WD40 to clean wiper blades?

Wiper blades are an essential part of your vehicle’s safety system. They are responsible for clearing rain, snow, and debris from your windshield, ensuring maximum visibility while driving. However, wiper blades can become worn and dirty over time, affecting their performance and making them noisy or inefficient. One popular solution for cleaning wiper blades is to use WD40, a versatile lubricant and cleaner. But is this a good idea? Can you use WD40 to clean wiper blades? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of using WD40 on wiper blades.

What is WD40, and how does it work?

WD40 is a multipurpose lubricant and cleaner that has been around for over 60 years. The name “WD40” stands for “Water Displacement 40th formula” because the product was originally developed to repel water and prevent corrosion on rockets. Today, WD40 is used for a wide range of household, automotive, and industrial applications. The product works by penetrating rust and other grime, loosening it and allowing it to be wiped away easily.

Can you use WD40 to clean wiper blades?

The short answer is yes; you can use WD40 to clean wiper blades. WD40 can act as a powerful solvent, dissolving dirt and debris that has accumulated on the wiper blade. It can also help to lubricate the blade, which can improve its performance and prevent it from skipping or streaking across the windshield. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when using WD40 on wiper blades.

One of the most significant concerns with using WD40 on wiper blades is that it can remove the graphite and/or teflon layer from the blade. This layer is essential to the blade’s performance, keeping it gliding over the glass and silent in operation. If this layer is removed, the blade can become noisy or less effective at clearing the windshield.

Additionally, using WD40 on wiper blades can cause the rubber to deteriorate over time. WD40 can dry out the rubber, causing it to crack or split, which can affect the blade’s performance and cause it to wear out more quickly.

So, while WD40 can act as a strong effective cleaner to clean wiper blades, it is essential to use it carefully and sparingly, to avoid causing damage to the blade.

What are some alternative ways to clean wiper blades?

There are several alternative ways to clean wiper blades that do not involve using WD40. One of the simplest methods is to use soap and water. You can use a mild soap solution and a soft cloth or sponge to clean the blade, making sure to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated. Another method is to use rubbing alcohol. Rubbing alcohol can dissolve grime and dirt without damaging the blade, making it a safe and effective option.

In conclusion, while WD40 can be used to clean wiper blades, it is essential to use it with caution. WD40 can remove the graphite and/or teflon layer from the blade, which can affect its performance and cause it to wear out more quickly. There are several alternative methods for cleaning wiper blades that are safe and effective, so it’s worth considering these options before reaching for the WD40. Remember, maintaining your wiper blades is essential to ensure maximum visibility while driving, so make sure to clean and replace your wiper blades regularly to keep your windshield clear and your vehicle safe.

