What should wiper blades be checked for?

Wiper blades are an essential safety feature on your vehicle, as they help to clear rain, snow, and other debris from the windshield to improve visibility while driving. However, wiper blades can wear out over time and may need to be replaced in order to continue providing effective performance. In this article, we’ll take a look at what you should check for when evaluating the condition of your wiper blades.

One of the first things to check for when evaluating your wiper blades is their condition. If the blades are visibly worn, torn, or frayed, it’s likely time to replace them. Wiper blades are made of rubber, which can deteriorate over time due to exposure to the elements and the wear and tear of regular use. If the rubber looks dry, cracked, or otherwise damaged, it’s time to replace the blades.

Another thing to check for is the level of wear on the blades. As the blades wear down, they may become less effective at clearing water and other debris from the windshield. To check for wear, simply run your finger along the edge of the blade. If you feel any unevenness or roughness, it’s likely time to replace the blades.

In addition to the condition of the blades themselves, it’s important to check the condition of the wiper arm and the mounting hardware. The wiper arm should be securely attached to the vehicle and should move smoothly when the wipers are activated. If the wiper arm is loose or wobbly, it could cause the wiper blade to fail to make proper contact with the windshield, which can affect its performance.

Finally, it’s a good idea to check the function of the wiper blades themselves. To do this, simply activate the wipers and observe how they perform. If the wipers are skipping, streaking, or otherwise not performing effectively, it’s likely time to replace the blades.

In conclusion, there are several things to check for when evaluating the condition of your wiper blades. These include the condition of the blades themselves, the level of wear on the blades, the condition of the wiper arm and mounting hardware, and the function of the wiper blades. By regularly checking these factors, you can ensure that your wiper blades are in good condition and able to provide effective performance in all weather conditions.

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